Friday, December 16, 2016

Chapter 1

From day to day Arlina would smoke powders used for alleviating headaches, along with the tobacco from left over cigarillo puts from left over cigarillos she would spoke outside of the apartment complex she rented over in Pacifica.

The place she lived was outside the control of the united states government, she wondered whether he elicit smoking would continue to finance black budget projects in the United States. Because even as an ex pat, because she never formally eliminated her US citizenship, she still had to pay taxes in the United States. And with her smoking headaches powders from neighboring cities still part of the US, these purchases could still be tracked. She developed the habit of purchasing said white powders individually and on grocery store shelves. This way as long as she purchased said chemicals one at a time, she would not create suspicion for her. She would smoke only in small batches, so that she could use plausible deniability in her smokes. For this, she could be energized as much as she wanted, and nothing was going to stop her then.

As far as the effect on your body, it was similar to drinking coffee. But smoking caffeine tends to concentrate the mist, and so when she makes her cigarettes have black liquid taint the tip of the top of the shaft, it gives her about the energy that a normal person would drink about two pots of coffee. She would hop up and down, and be constantly hungry. She craved more meat than she had had since she had moved to Washington. She thought of how bestiality was once legal there, but not anymore. And pictured military contractor for black budget projects humping pigs. Not exactly the image she wanted to have when she was making herself some refried beans, or they might as well be refried beans, because adding flour to bacon grease and beans created a texture similar to this. She didn't want her refried beans tasting funny, after smoking some powders.

Arlina remembered how when she participating in personal writing projects in her early years, she was consuming up to four headache powders a day. She would constantly get drunk, anything to alleviate the pain of untreated shin splints and constant head aches from being on the computer all the time. Along with the stress from living with her mother, she was experiencing constant night terrors do to IBS and intoxication. Every night she would have a feeling of menace beyond the door.

A door that she hated.

A door that she wondered why her parents even let her have at all. But as long as she had the opportunity to lock it, that was what she did. Her parents did not want to look to conspicuous, and therefore only abused her subtly--at first. But this gradually become more and more over time.
Even when parents were home, she felt their presence.

She wondered whether her parents would do the same shit they did, when they picked her up from Washington.

She didn't want to find out.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Irregular, Ongoing

This will be for a collection of irregular but ongoing story arcs in a world of lax advertisement laws, dream-scanners, amnesiac cats, and elements of magic realism and surrealism.

Before you will be an hallucinatory picaresque that is an extension of the short story Jenna's Gift, after she is implied to have committed suicide before she loses all of her memories.